Today, I went to the UKM's grand 37th Graduation. I met some friends there... Their happiness is really overwhelming. I do share the joy. But deep inside my heart, the same old question popped up over and over... Why did that accident happen??? If it did not take place 2 years ago, I would be entering the same hall (DECTAR) together with my course mates on Wednesday, receive my scroll and that's the end of my Bachelors degree... Oh well, that is fate. I did not dwell much in that incident now.
All I want now is to finish my final semester with better results. Hopefully... I do admit that I have been a little lazy as compared to the previous semester. Was it because I was always sick since the start of this new semester? Fever has been on and off for the past weeks. I was especially weak on the fourth and fifth week. I did not even eat much... I only drank Milo and cereal drinks on most days and even with that, I still had diarrhea and vomitted most of what I drank or eat... Am I giving myself an excuse to be lazy? I hope not... I want to stay healthy for the next few months so that I can stay focus and be back on track... I am a little left behind in Biochemistry and Mid-Semester exams is at the end of the month. OMG!! There is not much time left. I am starting to do revision but enzyme kinetics is really a tough chapter and the other chapters need a lot of memorizing and understanding as it involve lots and lots of processes and reactions and enzymes and etc... I should say this is the toughest subject of the semester.
As for Web Programming, I am doing okay with HTML. I am now starting to look at CSS. It seem to be another exciting part of the whole programming course. I am enjoying it pretty much. I will be having a 2 hours lab for Web Programming tomorrow and I think it is time for me to have my hands on CSS. Also, I will have 2 hours lab + lecture for Graphics tomorrow. Though I did not really enjoy the artsy part of this subject, I am starting to get my way through it. I was told that we will be starting OpenGL tomorrow, which is the programming side of the graphics. I have not look at it though... This is how lazy I am... LOL...
I am looking forward to go home this end of the month. Miss my mom and the rest of them much... Most importantly, the comfort that my home offers is unbeatable. Home Sweet Home.... =)
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