Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2011 Valentine's

15 Feb 2011-9:49am

It was Valentine's Day yesterday. Everyone had been busy preparing gifts for their loved ones over the past days. It does not matter if the presents are expensive or not. It's the thoughts that matter. Spending valuable time with one another is priceless. Even gifts and presents can't beat it. I bet all the couples were happy yesterday.

It rained so so so heavily yesterday night. My plan to hang out with the ladies was rather up side down... But anyway, it was fun being with them.. I still had a great time though.

I had a small surprise yesterday. It was a pleasant feeling. Though I do not get to have that much fun as expected, I am still very happy yesterday. I haven't had this feeling for quite a while. It's a mixture of happy, angry, +++ which makes it so special. I was having a rather dull day in the morning. It was until evening....after that little surprise...that I started to light up and felt the happiness around me. It might mean nothing to others but it does make my day...


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